The Brannon Patrick Show

reclaim your heart

The Healing Journey Experience


Start Date: November 30th 2023
Time: 12:00pm (Noon) -1:30pm MST (weekly)
Duration: 12-18 months


Start Date: January 4th 2023
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am MST (weekly)
Duration: 12-18 months

The Group will be conducted online

God’s Light enters in through the wounds.  Find Peace, Passion and Purpose through working through your Trauma.   This is not your average “coaching program or therapy group”.  Please Only apply if you feel ready.  Apply if you are done being dominated by fear and shame.  Apply if you know you are not living in congruency with your truths but don’t know how to shift back into authenticity.  Apply if you have the courage to change everything that you want to change in your life.  The journey can be challenging.  It only works with a heart that is willing and ready to let go.   You will be given an opportunity to heal on the deepest level.  You will learn how to face your trauma and fears, and choose the life that you want.   This is healing from deep within.  We call it “bottom up” healing.  It’s from the inside out. We guide you through the process to access the parts of your heart and soul that heal you from inside. We don’t heal you, we are just your guides. You have the ability within you to take the hardest, most painful things in your life and turn them into your strengths, your learning and your growth.  If you surrender to this process this journey does that for you. 


The Journey

Threshold #1: (Preparation)

Your Pack List, Gain important Tools For the Journey.

Threshold #2: (Awareness)

Take Control of the Outcomes of Your Life.

Threshold #3: (Consciousness)

Become Conscious of your paradigms and perspectives.

Threshold #4: (Compassion)

Overcome Your Faulty Core Beliefs and Shame.

Threshold #5: (Surrender)

Ascend into the Abyss and Release the trapped energy.

Threshold #6: (Rebirth)

Reclaim your Heart. Gain a deep understanding of self.

Threshold #7: (Freedom)

Step into your purpose and live Free.

Threshold #8: (Consistency)

Continue to live with purpose and Freedom.


Elements of the Journey


The Hero’s Journey

Many are familiar with Joseph Campbells Hero’s journey. We follow this format because as humans we all relate to this process. We are designed for adventure and battle. Stepping through each phase of the adventure outlines the process for change and rebirth.


Somatic Healing.

Sometimes known as body psychotherapy, is a therapeutic approach that places importance on what we experience in the mind and the body as well as the connection between the two. “Somatic” itself means “of or relating to the body. The Journey incorporates Mindfulness, breathwork, and Experiental Activities.


Group Work

Working in a group is an important part of the healing process. The experiences that you gain by connecting to others pushes you to be more vulnerable. It also provides the support and accountability that you need to do this difficult work.


Experiential Activities

You will be asked to do things. Just showing up to group and doing assignments will not take you on the journey. This is not just education. It is about having an experience. It’s what you do outside of the group work that will create the shift you are wanting. You will be given certain tasks and activities that will challenge you. They will push you to your limits. If you are able to push beyond those thresholds then you will get everything and more that you desire from your journey.


Plant Medicine

For some the use of plant medicine(psychedelics) is important for deep insight and letting go. When done with the right intention and assisted by professionals who know how to administer the medicine it can have a profound effect on the healing journey. Using plant medicine is optional and individual. As part of your journey you may feel called to participate in a plant medicine ceremony. Please do your research and ask your facilitator about the process. *plant medicine is only administered in countries where it is legal.


Why take the Journey?

This deep work heals the parts of you that wreak havoc on intimacy, life-purpose, and connection to God.  When you allow yourself to take this journey it changes the way in which you resonate.  When you resonate on a different frequency then what you create in your life changes.  Instead of creating chaos you can create peace.  Instead of creating disconnection you can create connection.  Instead of living in fear you can resonate in love.  As a result you won’t be triggered nearly as much.   You will not take things as personal.  You will be able to have difficult conversations,  Take risks, show up with confidence, embrace your femininity & masculinity,  be authentic,  and love deeply. 

Some of the Elements of the Journey

Daily C.H.A.R.G.E
Daily Self Compassion and Acceptance Meditation
Life Outcomes Assessment
False Self Awareness and Surrender
The Cave (Releasing Stuck Energy)


Are you Curious but unsure if this is for you?  Join Brannon at his next webinar where he answers questions about the Journey.


frequently asked question

It is $250/month for 12 months.  Plus the cost of the Healing Journey Program $499.  Or you can pay once at a discounted rate of $3200 for the entire program.  Additional cost depends on Plant Medicine Journey travel etc.  

This is for anyone who has experienced trauma and is now struggling with things in life that they don’t want.  Broken relationships, addictions, lack of purpose, depression, etc.  If there is trauma inside of you that you would like to address then this journey is for you.   This is for Men or Women.  The group work will be broken out into mens and womens groups but the journey is designed for anyone that wants to heal.  

Plant medicine (psychedelics) may be part of your healing journey.  Plant medicine is sacred indigenous medicine that helps access the deepest parts of you. Plant medicine is not for everyone, and you will not be forced to participate in a plant medicine ceremony if you are not feeling called to it.   If you choose to participate in Plant Medicine as part of your journey, you will be guided and directed in the safest ways with professionals that know how to administer the medicine.  *Medicine will only be administered in Countries where it is legal to perform these ceremonies*.  

This is healing for the individual.  It wouldn’t be a bad thing to do it with a loved one, but understand that you need safety in the group and support.  If you are in a toxic relationship that could affect your ability to be open and vulnerable you may want to participate separate from each other. 

If you feel called to do this then you are ready.  It will push you.  You will fail along the way.  But the journey is designed to deal with the bumps in the road and keep you going toward healing.

The journey is a process.  The healing requires time.  You will have deep profound experiences along the way.  But 1 event will not heal you.  It is a culmination of the entire process that will create the changes you are looking for.

Ready to unlock more purpose
passion and pleasure

Enroll in my guided content to help you heal from betrayal and addiction. And most importantly,
learn how to move forward and find peace.
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